The Kitch's of 2012!

Hello Family & Friends! Christmas 2012

Here we are at the end of another year. I swear time is speeding by faster and faster each year! Our family has been busy, and in an effort to keep you up to date with us, here is our year in snapshot.

Jared is still working at Coppersmith and Kolb. He has been working for both companies for 12 years now. Jared has also started going back to school to get his certifications for Cisco, and his MCSE (Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert). I can’t tell you how amazing he is juggling work and school. He’s flying through his classes in about one each month!! It takes many people almost a year for some of these classes. He is a smarty pants for sure! :) I’m so proud of him. Jared’s health has been good the past year. He hasn’t had any relapses. This is a true blessing!

This year has been a transition for me. All of my children are in school full-time. I admit the first month I felt like I was constantly sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for someone to call my name to help them with something, but they never did because they were all at school! It took some getting used to. Now I spend my time volunteering in the classroom, going on field-trips, serving in the Cub Scouts, working on family history, trying new recipes, and helping out my parents. I think I’m busier now than ever! LOL! Jared and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary in July! We decided to splurge and go to Hawaii. We had an amazing time. We’ll have to go back someday with the kids. They would love it!  It’s such a beautiful place.  I’ve felt the Lord’s hand very strongly this past year, and it has been a tremendous experience to know that He is in the details of my life!

Walker is in 7th grade!!! Did you hear that? Seventh grade!! I can’t believe it. Earlier this year he was in a film challenge put on by Child’s Play. He did a fantastic job, and he even had the closing scene and close-up all actors wish for. :)  He also took 2nd place in his school’s Math Bee! He turned 12 this summer and was ordained a Deacon. It was a powerful experience to witness Jared bestow the Priesthood authority upon him. Walker is officially a tween and quickly becoming a young man. It’s actually been really neat to see him make this transition from elementary school to Jr. High. He’s become so much more mature, responsible, and forward thinking. It’s so interesting to hear his thoughts on real world issues. He’s definitely growing up, and we couldn’t be more proud of the young man he’s becoming. He’s in all Honors classes this year which are proving to challenge him, which is great. Walker invited me to “Bring Your Parent to School Day”, and I was blown away with how he manages his day. It’s not like it was when we were in Jr. High that’s for sure! Walker is a straight ‘A’ student, he plays percussion, and is in Boy Scouts. Scouts keeps him pretty busy, and he goes on campouts about once a month or so; he just received his Star. Walker also got braces on in May, and we can’t wait to see that new smile!

Eli is in 4th grade now! He turned 9 this year, and he’s really come out of his shell. He is quickly coming into his own. He is proving to be quite “the man on campus”. He has an amazing teacher this year, and she has been such a blessing for him. Eli is in Cub Scouts, and he’s just about to earn his Bear Rank. He enjoys Cub Scouts and is excited for when he can join Boy Scouts so he can do some more of the high adventure activities the older boys do.  Eli is involved in pretty much every extracurricular activity the school offers.  He is in Chorus and has landed himself a few solo parts. He’s also in a small group solo for the 4th grade program coming up. He applied to be a Peace Helper during recesses, and once accepted, had to undergo a two day training course on how to help mediate students that may be having issues during that time. His teacher tells us that he is a leader in the classroom, and she loves joking around with him and his grown-up humor. She told us he is a joy to have in her class! This year Eli started pull-out ALP (Accelerated Learning Program), where he leaves his regular class for Math and Language. His ALP teacher expressed to us that he has a real talent for writing. It comes very naturally for him, and she loves to read his work. She also told us that he’s a whiz at Math as well! He’s a straight ‘A’ student and an amazingly hard worker!! He inspires me!

Alayna started all day Kindergarten this year! My baby grew up on me. She absolutely loves school and her friends. She is the top in her class and is already proving to give the boys a run for their money academically! Her teacher tells us that she is the “Little Mama” in her class. She looks out for the other kids who might be too shy or have trouble staying on task. She tries to include everyone, and she makes friends very easily. We’ve already had to have some talks about boys. We’ve had a few little admirers that have asked her to be their girlfriend and have been giving her gifts. It’s pretty cute actually, but we have to make sure she understands we don’t date until 16, and accepting gifts from boys can send the wrong message! LOL!!! Oh boy do we have to watch out for this little charmer of ours! Alayna will be turning 6 at the end of the month and I have no idea how that happened!! My children are the joy of my life!

It’s been a busy year, and we are grateful for it! We hope you and your families are doing well, and know that we pray for each of you and count you in our blessings!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!!


P.S. You can keep up with us all year at

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