Walker's Homecoming Reply

Walker asked a girl from his Lit and Seminary class to Homecoming last week. We found this idea on Pinterest and modified it. 

He didn't know where she lived so he just took one cup and put a sign on it that said,

 "Don't let me go SOLO...Homecoming? ~ Q~ Walqer (Walker) "

We waited for a reply and this morning he found this on the doorstep!!!

 "I would be 'SODA-LIGHTED' to go to homecoming with you!" 

The tops of the Dr. Pepper lids spell her name~ Peyton~

So fun and so cute!!! I love this part of High School!!!! LOL!!!

Now we get to go shopping for a tie to match her dress and buy beautiful flowers for her corsage! Yay! I'm pretty sure I get more joy out of this than he does! Hahaha! 

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