Daddy Daughter Hoe Down!!!

Our Ward had their Daddy Daughter Dance Friday night. Alayna has been so excited about it since it was announced. :) Ever since we went to Tombstone she's been wanting a cowgirl outfit and this was a great opportunity to acquire one! LOL! 

We didn't let her down..and in fact made sure Dad looked sharp too. :)

They announced the Sunday before that they were going to not only have dancing, but also horse rides, BBQ, and all sorts of fun! :) Alayna heard horses and she was on cloud 9!!!!

Apologies for the blurry was the best Jared could get on his cell. :P 

Just use your imagination to envision that enormous grin on her face right there!!!! :D

After the dance they went out for ice cream with some friends of ours. She came home and she filled me in on every last detail at the speed of light! She was over the moon! She said it was the best day of her life! 

She is such an awesome girl! Lover her to pieces!!!!

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