Another Goodbye....

Alayna's best friend Morgan moved today to live closer to her Grandparents in Utah. Her Grandfather's health hasn't been good lately. 

These two make each other giggle like crazy and are thick as thieves! :) Saying Goodbye was especially hard today.

A few years ago Alayna's Besty, Lola,  moved to Texas and that was difficult. She's a little older now and has a better understanding of what this means. She looks all smiles in these photos, but the remainder of the day was much, much different!! 

She kept asking, "Why do all of my friends have to move away?" So heartbreaking.....:(

She cried on and off all day. It's hard watching your little ones deal with big problems and you there isn't any way to "fix" it. They just have to go through things sometimes and all you can do is let them know you are there for them. If they want to talk about it, you are there. If they want to cry about it, you are there. And you just hug and kiss them as much as possible!

That night she slept in my bed. Just before she fell asleep she said, "Mom I'm not feeling quite as sad as I was earlier." 

Boy she knows how to melt my heart!

We hope we will get some Skype calls going for the girls so they can catch up and still see each other. :)

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