Disney Trip Summer 2015 - Day 1

Jared's childhood friend Keahon works in Downtown Disney. When Jared lost his job 2 years ago he reached out to us and said when we get back on our feet he would love to give our family 2 days of fun at Disneyland!!!! It was such a generous offer! We were both touched and so humbled!

Jared has been at his new job for 6 months now and feel we are in a good place. It's summer break and the kids were ready for some long over due fun! The last time we went to Disney was in Oct. 2012. So about 2.8 years! We were long over due for a family vacation. :) We left town Wednesday night and were on our way!!!!

Until.... the a/c in the van started going in and out and in and finally just out, and tons of smoke started billowing out of the vents. We had to open the windows cuz we were all choking. Thankfully we were on our way to Jared's brother's house to drop Sammy off 1st and we had about 45 min. before the auto shop he recommended closed. 

They gave us a diagnosis but didn't have the parts necessary to fix it. He said as long as we don't run the a/c we would be fine. He also said that we were VERY fortunate that we didn't have an electrical fire in the van!! (Blessing #1) He said the blower motor resistor and wire connectors needed to be replaced. It was so bad that the plastic had melted, wires were exposed and corroded!! We didn't want to postpone the trip and we didn't want to shell out 200-300 to rent another vehicle so we decided to head out with no a/c. 

I also need to mention that the whole week before I felt like we needed to take the van in. We always take it in for a once over before we leave on vacation, and we hadn't. About 3 days before I started feeling this prompting that we should really take the van in. It was then followed by a lack of desire to even go on the trip. I of course realize now that it was the Spirit trying to get me to listen and I was just being lazy and stubborn. Well, I guess this is what happens when you don't listen!!! :/

Thankfully it was 6pm and not the heat of the day when we finally got the kids from Jeff's. It was still pretty warm but the sun was going down. (Blessing #2..thankful for blessings even when we aren't as obedient as we should be.)

We opened up all the windows and drove 6 hours in what felt like a massive wind tunnel!!! LOL! It was so loud!!!! Jared and my ears were hurting from all the wind. We felt a bit wind burned too. When we pulled off to get gas it was SO quiet. We were cracking up. It felt like after you leave a rock concert and your ears just ring for hours after....LOL!!!

The kids tried to make the best of it. They still tried to watch  movies. Pretty sure the speakers in the van were crying from being at max volume. :P 

I thought this pic of the boys was cute. Eli put his hat to good use against the sun in his face...LOL!

We made it to the hotel around 12am. We were all tired and ready for bed! We were happy we all made it in one piece!

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