CVHS Marching Band

Campo Verde High School Marching Band had their 1st live performance of 2014. After a grueling week of long days and high temps they were ready to show their families everything they have been working on!

They invited the families to come out for a BBQ and the performance followed.

They had several expos of the different groups that make up the whole. They had the color guard, percussion, winds, etc. 

Before camp began Walker really wanted to be in pit. However, after he got to try the bass drum he was excited to try out for a position on the bass line. He is 1 of 2 Freshman in percussion and after try outs he made it to the bass line with the upper class-men! :) He's really diggin' it!

He has mentioned that drum gets pretty heavy after marching for 3 hours! The percussion instructor is working this group hard. They have to do more than the regular warm ups the rest of the band does. In order for them to not hurt themselves carrying such heavy equipment they have to do cardio and core workouts as well. He said he's never been so sore than this past week. :P 

He's also been showing us his little six pack too! I think he likes the results of all the hard work! LOL!

This is only 1/2 of the stage. I was trying to zoom in on Walker in the very back. :)

The final exhibition was the full marching band. They have a total of 40 members including color guard. Jared and I came from a marching band of 300 when we were at Gilbert High School so it was quite an adjustment for us to realize the whole group fit on the stage with lots of room to spare!!!!!

Last year they had about 19 students in the program. They have a new Director this year and he's working hard to grow the program and recruit past students to come back. He's doubled the numbers but we are all hoping as word spreads they will get bigger and bigger. Campo is a pretty new school and it takes time to bring these groups up to the large numbers as other older more established schools have obtained. 

It has it's pluses being a small group. It has a more personal one on one feel. The students get a lot of help and instruction. It makes it feel more like a Club and a tight nit group. 

They have a lot of work to do. Not having a Junior Varsity Band to teach them the very elementary basics of marching and playing they are all learning it together. 

Walker is really enjoying it and the students seem excited and ready to put in the man hours to get where they want to be! Here's to a great year!!! :)

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