Golden Scholars....We Made It To The End!!!

The past couple of weeks have jam packed full of end of the year concerts, ceremonies, graduations, and awards!!! Jared and I have felt like we've been in a whirlwind between the three kids and all of the events they have been apart of as they wrap up this school year. Today was no exception....

Today was the LAST day of school!!! Happy Dance!!! 

With that was the final ceremony for Walker. He had his Golden Scholar Award Ceremony! This makes 4th consecutive year being recognized for his excellent grades. I feel so blessed that our kids are excelling in their  studies! I'm one proud Mama! :D

I love how he spotted us and gave us a little grin as he walked by. :P 

Waiting on pins and needles..

He's getting to be a pro at these things! 

Way to go son! 

We know Jr. High has been a big transition this year. We've seen you make huge strides in every way. Juggling several different teachers, merging into a school with over 1,200 students, navigating between different classrooms, making sure assignments got done and turned in on time, projects completed, keeping excellent grades, making new friends and maintaining old ones, being a stand up big brother, being accepted into NJHS, learning a new band instrument, keeping up with Scouts, developing your testimony and faith in God....I could go on and on! You continue to amaze us! You are such a special young man and I can't tell you how blessed I feel to be your mom!

I really wish Eli could have been there with us...but most of the family was able to make it. :)

We made it to the end of another school year! Now let's have a fun summer!! :)

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