The Athlete!

Eli had his final chorus concert last night. It was called "Light the Dream". It was a musical about 6 kids who learn about what it means to be an Olympian. They get zapped back to Olympia during the Olympics and Zeus demands that they enter the competition-he breaks the rules so the girls can compete too-because he he won't send them home unless they compete. They give their best, but they don't win. Because they demonstrated good character traits, they were granted their request to return home.

Eli was an Athelete..a mighty fine one at that..with some killer dance moves! :P

He not only tore up the dance floor he had a few speaking parts as well! I was so proud of him! 

It was one of the best chorus performances we've attended at the school. Eli went to countless rehearsals and all that hard work definitely paid off! 

Great job Eli!!!

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